Physiotherapy for Posture

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Physiotherapy for Posture Correction

Physiotherapy treatment for postural syndrome can significantly help to reduce symptoms, ensure an optimal outcome and prevent recurrence. Physiotherapy may comprise:

  • postural education and retraining
  • soft tissue massage
    (particularly to the upper cervical extensors, pectorals, upper trapezius and levator scapulae muscles)
  • electrotherapy (e.g. ultrasound)
  • IMS (Intramuscular stimulation)
  • postural taping
  • postural bracing
  • joint mobilization (particularly to the lower neck and upper back)
  • the use of a lumbar roll for sitting
  • exercises to improve strength, posture or flexibility
  • activity modification advice
  • biomechanical correction
  • clinical Pilates
  • ergonomic advice

Contributing Factors to the Development of Postural Syndrome

There are several factors that may contribute to the development of postural syndrome. These factors need to be assessed and corrected with direction from a physiotherapist and may include:

  • joint stiffness (particularly of the neck or upper back)
  • a sedentary lifestyle
  • poor core stability
  • muscle weakness (particularly the deep cervical flexors and scapula retractors)
  • muscle tightness (particularly the pectorals, upper cervical extensors, upper trapezius and levator scaplae muscles)
  • a lifestyle involving large amounts of sitting, bending, slouching, shoulders forwards activities or lifting
  • decreased fitness or fatigue

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